HOMES, Inc. realizing early benefits from energy upgrades!

"Saving on electric costs is especially important for HOMES as any savings can go back into serving their mission of providing affordable, efficient housing to people in need in southeast Kentucky, instead of to the utility company."


HOMES, Inc. was recently mentioned on MACED’s website describing the estimated savings from energy upgrades at our office building in downtown Whitesburg. “HOMES lowered their kilowatt-hour usage by 6% and their demand usage by a whopping 17%!” Lowering operating cost by saving energy has never been more important for ANY small businesses in Central Appalachia struggling in the the post coal economy. The last billing cycle saw our energy usage the lowest then in the last three years at 6120 kWh, along with the lowest monthly bill in three years by $100!!!!

Read the full story at MACED’s Website.

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